Be-two Be-Two


  • الهدف من الموقع: زواج عادي
  • دولة الاصل: روسيا
  • دولة الإقامة: روسيا
  • العمر: 23-27
  • الحالة الاجتماعية: اعزب
  • هل لديك اطفال: لا
  • التعليم: تعليم مدرسي
  • المهنة: غير ذلك

بيانات خاصة

  • لون العين: اخضر
  • لون الشعر: اشقر
  • لون البشرة: ابيض
  • الطول: متوسط
  • الوزن: خفيف

طريقة التواصل مع الاخرين

تحدث عن نفسك:

I am one of the few women who is truly romantic but realistic when necessary. I am also fun and adventurous. I love being passionate about life. My biggest goal in life is to fall in love, get married, and give him all the joy and happiness in the world. I am kind, tender, romantic, very affectionate, caring, understanding, respectful, supportive, generous, great sense of humor. I can be your best friend, lover, wife.Too ideally?Understand...but it is truth:-)

اوصف الشخص اللذي تبحث عنه:

I look for love that will last forever and know no limits. I look for the man with whom I can share my entire life, my achievements and my faults. Someone who I can take care of for and feel protected with. Someone who I can talk to for hours but be just as content to share silence with. Someone who is healthy in mind and spirit. Someone who is kind and honest, and the most important - SERIOUS.